Is FYE Required? All students who have completed less than one year of college when they enter the College of Charleston, must enroll in a First-Year Experience course, which can be worth anywhere from 3 to 8 credit hours. Successful completion of the First-Year Experience is part of the general education curriculum that is required for graduation. If you are a CofC Honors Student, then you must complete your first year experience course through the Honors College.
How do I choose a FYE that's right for me? We have three different types of FYE courses at the College of Charleston that all fulfill the FYE graduation requirement:
- The First-Year Seminar (FYSE/FYSU/FYSG) is a 3-credit hour academic course that explores special topics taught by our outstanding faculty. These are non-catalog courses, so this is the only opportunity you’ll have to take this course. First Year Seminars are taught as smaller, discussion-style seminars. FYSEs are regular FYE seminars, FYSU/FYSGs are seminars that also satisfy an Race Equity Inclusion (REI) requirement (U=US focused and G=Global). These courses do not have prerequisites.
- The FYE Stand-Alone is a regular 3-4 credit hour catalog course (e.g., BIOL 111 or PSYC 103), but as an FYE course, it is taught with a special focus or theme that makes it unique. These are sometimes larger classes than a First Year Seminar, but they also often satisfy Gen Ed requirements, and serve as the entry point into particular majors/minors. These courses may have prerequisites.
- A Learning Community (LC) links two academic courses (6-8 credit hours) often around a related theme or issue. All learning communities count toward other general education requirements as listed. One or both courses in a learning community may have prerequisites.
Is there anything else that is required? All three of the FYE course types listed above are also linked with a Synthesis Seminar Course (FYSS 101). This is a weekly 50-minute seminar led by a peer facilitator that helps introduce you to the College’s academic community through the perspective and advice of a successful College of Charleston student.
When do I need to complete my FYE requirement? Your FYE requirement must be completed during your first year at the College of Charleston. The first year consists of your first three consecutive academic terms (e.g., the consecutive terms for students entering in the Fall would be Fall, Spring and the following Summer).
Transfer Student? If you are a transfer student, you can be waived from the FYE requirement IF EITHER of the following apply to you: 1) You have at least 24 college credits earned after high school (AP and dual enrollment credits earned during high school do not count towards the minimum 24 credits); OR 2) You are at least 20 years old on the first day of classes in the semester you started at College of Charleston. In addition, if you completed a FYE-style course at your previous institution (e.g., IDS 109 at Trident Tech), you may also be eligible for a FYE waiver. Please reach out to if you think any of these situations apply to you.